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unusual situation中文是什么意思

用"unusual situation"造句"unusual situation"怎么读"unusual situation" in a sentence


  • 非常局面


  • How little practice he had had in dealing with unusual situations !
  • " we know that this is an unusual situation and we need more time to investigate and understand the cause of infection
  • Forfeiture of bills is an unusual situation in the circulating of bills . what ' s more , forfeiture of bills is often associated with forgery of bills
  • Exception processing is monitoring for those situations which indicate an abnormal problem , or an unusual situation that warrants attention from the dba
  • This week i found myself in an unusual situation where i had to deal with four men and they were interested in trying to do some gardening work for me , weeds and trees and stuff
  • It ' s a site the unusual situation where right in the heart of manhattan we are doing serious software engineering , serious computer science and building really the next generation of products
  • They said they re looking forward to coming home , and we are looking forward to bringing them home . this is an unusual situation , in which an american military aircraft had to make an emergency landing on chinese soil
  • When people are accessing corporate resources in a different way than they usually do , malicious hackers may try to piggyback on the unusual situation and seize that moment to launch attacks against corporate networks and computers
  • Answer : be on duty the task of perambulatory job is the surveillance , examination , moving state that safeguard and records power supply system , discover the unusual situation of equipment and circuitry in time , handle electric breakdown and accident correctly , make sure reliable safety runs power supply system
  • The paper solves the following key problems : on the basis of analyzing the unusual equipment treatment method of the substation , the paper points out the difference between usual and unusual situation , add operating task classification message to show operating regulations . thus the usual and unusual situation can be dealt with in uniform
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